ITM Analytics

Website Optimization That Pays for Itself

Increase conversion rates and add thousands of dollars to your bottom line with ITM Analytics

The Point is to Make Money

Everything we do is centered around revenue generation. We employ proven analytical methods to test, track, and implement changes to your existing website.

Pay for Performance

We deliver results. Our process ensures that you systematically hit both conversion and revenue targets.

Consistent Results

We implement changes that have a statistically significant impact on your revenue and growth. No guessing. No design fads.

We Work With You

Don't overhaul your entire marketing strategy. We integrate and amplify your existing inbound and outbound marketing efforts.

Our Process

  1. Goal-Setting

    We sit down with you and analyze your business objectives. We listen to you and define meaningful goals and measurements specifically tailored to your business model.

  2. Analytics Audit

    We look at your existing Google Analytics setup and make sure it is properly configured for your website. If you don't have Google Analytics, we will install it for you and begin tracking immediately.

  3. Data Collection

    We scour quantitative and qualitative data to draw insights about your customers. This data is invaluable to understanding who your customers are, why they buy, and how they interact with your website.

  4. Hypothesis Testing

    Using the data we collect, we create hypotheses and test them using a rigorous statistical approach. We only implement changes that have a statistically significant impact on your revenue and growth.

  5. Rinse and Repeat

    Every test gives us new information and insights about your customers. We don't stop creating hypotheses and testing until we have squeezed every last dollar from your website.


We offer an affordable, project-based pricing structure to accommodate the needs and budget of your business. Please contact us for more information.

Copyright 2015 ITM Analytics